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A life-changing course and coaching program that will help you end your struggle with out of control eating and food obsession.

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A life-changing course and coaching program that will help you end your struggle with out of control eating and food obsession.

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Imagine achieving true sustainable change from a dysfunctional relationship with food to a healthy and peaceful lifestyle.


The Satisfied Experience is for you if you: 

  • Currently struggle with overeating, binge eating, grazing, food obsession, food addiction, or bulimia
  • Are recovering from a food addiction through a 12-step program
  • Seek an approach to end your food obsession that aligns with your Christian values
  • Want to live in peace and freedom in your relationship with food


The Satisfied Experience course, based on the book Satisfied by Dr. Rhona Epstein, is a 15 week program designed to help people end their struggle with out of control eating and food obsession.

The daily videos, inspired by a biblically based version of the 12 steps, will help those who join to apply life changing principles to their lives.

Weekly group and online support is also available for the best possible experience. 

Instead of living in a constant battle, those who take this course can hope for a true sustainable change from a dysfunctional relationship with food to a healthy and peaceful lifestyle. 

"I have finally, after months, started talking about food, started taking Dr. Rhona’s and the group’s guidance and am experiencing food freedom. Dr. Rhona always points us to developing a stronger relationship with God, with Jesus. I am literally becoming less as He becomes more."

"If you have tried 1,000 diets and only felt more shame, more failure and more self-loathing then Dr. Rhona has the path out. She shows you a series of mental and spiritual changes over three months to find fulfillment and satisfaction. Think of it - in three months you can feel freedom like thousands of others who have escaped."

"Obesity is at epidemic levels in the US. If you have tried many diets and only felt shame, failure and self loathing then the Twelve Steps and Dr Rhona Epstein have a way out for Recovery and freedom and from an eating disorder. This Twelve Step Spiritual guide incorporates prayer and scripture to help with any type of addiction. Its a game changer!!"

The Satisfied Experience will guide you through the process of healing your relationship with food so that you can:

  • Stop battling with food
  • Curb cravings
  • End food obsession
  • Eat and be satisfied
  • Not worry about your weight all day
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What we'll work on inside the Satisfied Experience:

Admitting Defeat

Step 1 is all about facing the truth about the problems we are having with food and loss of control.

We will become honest and real with ourselves. We will learn about body, mind and spiritual issues behind our struggles.

Building Faith

Step 2 is all about finding faith to believe we can change with the help of God whose power is greater than our own.

It’s about facing our spiritual hang-ups and trying on new faith practices on an old problem.

Surrendering to God

Step 3 is all about surrender and depending on God more and less on ourselves.

It’s really learning to get out of the way so God can work in us more fully.

Searching Ourselves

Step 4 is the step where we do self-discovery.

We will explore all the parts of our lives that may be underlying contributing factors in our eating battles, and examine emotional baggage, past and present unresolved issues, stinking thinking, unhealthy lifestyle habits and relational struggles. 

Being Honest 

Step 5 is where we share about our self-discovery with someone we trust as well as admit our weaknesses and faults to God.

Together we learn about ending isolation and learning to trust God and others instead of food for our refuge and comfort.

Willingness to Change 

Step 6 is about positioning ourselves for a true move of God in our lives.

We learn to let Him change us instead of us always fighting in our own feeble selves to change.

Accepting God's Help 

Step 7 is all about humility.

Step by step we learn how to trust God with our problems more and allow Him into all of our struggles- not just food- every area of our lives. We learn how to lean on Him more and less on us.

Listing Harms 

Step 8 is making a list of people we have unresolved issues with and we prepare to make amends.

We will learn more about the connection between our relational conflicts and our eating.

Making Amends 

Step 9 is where we make things right with others.

We will learn about amends making in this step from many different angles.

Daily House Cleaning 

Step 10 is all about keeping an eye on those daily troubles and not letting them pile up.

We will learn tips and tools for managing the mental mess on a daily basis as well as why it’s so important in food recovery.

Connecting with God 

Step 11 is a deep dive into prayer and meditation.

Creating that daily space to connect and build our contact with God in a personal intimate way is one of the key ingredients to sustainable recovery. We will learn how to connect, how to get rid of the blocks and distractions and start some new meaningful habits.

Walking the Walk 

Step 12 will show us the importance of reaching out to help others as a way of reinforcing all we are learning.

We will understand how to practice the changes we are making so they stick for a lifetime of sustainable freedom and peace with food and our bodies.

This life-changing course will provide you with the roadmap and support you need to find peace and freedom in your relationship with food and your body.


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"Satisfied has given me the hope that I needed to persevere through the day. The messages have given me hope to persevere through feelings of shame and guilt at work and home and helped me to strive to grow, heal, and improve."

"I thank you heartily. To have an anchor in the tossing waves, and be able to chew on your reflections each day and in hungry moments has offered life-changing help."

"Dr Rhona’s compassion, knowledge, and godly wisdom have been life changing. She encourages from the Word of God, teaches from her vast knowledge base, and offers compassion from her own recovery experiences. "

Kind Words from Students of The Satisfied Experience:

"I had the privilege of being a part of Dr. Rhona’s online weekly groups, while also working through her book Satisfied. I was a bit hesitant at first, not knowing how the online “group” would feel. I am so glad I decided to participate, because it was a game changer for me.

Being involved in a community of people who were all trying to grow, learn, and heal in the same things I was struggling was so freeing. Dr. Rhona was a blessing to work with in the group each week- providing her expertise, knowledge, and skills to help us navigate the weekly issues we had, as well as to process as a whole.

I believe connecting with other believers, in a virtual setting as we had, took my healing and recovery from addictive food behaviors to a whole new level of healing.

The benefits of being a part of this group, for me, was priceless.  I would highly recommend anyone wanting to grow and break free from their struggles, join the studies and groups available  through Dr. Rhona and her books. I have read and participated in all of her studies, and I have grown from each one!!"

"I would like to say that I have had the opportunity to attend several groups with Dr. Rhona as the facilitator. What I have learned through all of these experiences is that Dr. Rhona possesses the knowledge, passion, compassion, understanding and love to work with recovering food addicts.

She is a food addict. She is an example of what it means to “work the program” and how essential it is to not only establish a connection with God, but also the daily work that needs to be done to keep that connection.

I have learned so much about myself and I’ve had the opportunity to witness transformations in other people. I will be forever grateful for Dr. Rhona and the tireless efforts she puts in to helping people who share my addiction."

"Many years ago a local church hosted a presentation by Dr Rhona, which I attended.  She spoke to my heart, somewhat shy, not bossy nor boastful, yet full to overflowing compassion, understanding and knowledge.  When I got home, I googled her to see where she practiced and called for an appointment.  One of the best choices I’ve ever made!  

Since then, I’ve done individual therapy, group therapy and IOP with Dr Rhona.  And most importantly, I’ve prayed with her!  Prayed for recovery, food abstinence, and an abundance of life’s happenings.  Her gentle nudges, personal experience and faith have helped me immeasurably.  Dr Rhona is a blessing!

"Dr. Rhona is by far one of the greatest blessings in my recovery journey. As I have worked with her in both group and individual settings, I have seen her live out what she teaches. The model of grace she offers is life changing. There is no one way that fits all, and just as God created us individually, we each have an unique route to recovery.  Dr. Rhona has helped me to overcome the feelings of "not doing recovery right" and the subsequent shame cycle to find and embrace the boundaries that my particular recovery requires."

The Satisfied Experience will help you to heal and achieve lasting change.

  • End overeating by dealing with the whole problem- body, mind and spirit
  • End cravings and food obsession so there is true freedom and peace
  • Enjoy a better mindset when it comes to food and weight
  • Relief from underlying baggage & life skills for managing the ongoing emotional and mental mess that triggers overeating
  • Greater faith and deeper more meaningful spiritual growth
"Dr. Rhona is by far one of the greatest blessings in my recovery journey."

"As I have worked with her in both group and individual settings, I have seen her live out what she teaches. The model of grace she offers is life changing. There is no one way that fits all, and just as God created us individually, we each have an unique route to recovery.  Dr. Rhona has helped me to overcome the feelings of "not doing recovery right" and the subsequent shame cycle to find and embrace the boundaries that my particular recovery requires."

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Meet Your Instructor

Dr. Rhona Epstein, Psy.D., is a licensed psychologist,  addictions counselor, and marriage and family therapist in the Philadelphia Area.

She is the author of Food Triggers: End Your Cravings, Eat Well and Live Better, Satisfied: A 90-Day Spiritual Journey Toward Food Freedom and The Satisfied Workbook: A Spiritual Guide to Recovery and Food Freedom.

For more than thirty-five years, she’s led seminars, conferences, and therapeutic workshops to help people overcome food addiction and its underlying issues.

Fueled by her own experience and recovery from food addiction, Dr. Rhona is passionate about addressing the needs of the whole person (mind, body, and spirit).

After a devastating battle with binge eating and bulimia in her teen years, Rhona began her journey toward food freedom at age seventeen.  

Deeply impacted by the recovery process, she became determined to devote her life to helping others who battle food abuse and weight obsession.

Through The Satisfied Experience, Dr. Rhona's goal is to help you to address the emotional and relational aspects of addiction- areas such as: healing past wounds, how to set boundaries, forgiveness, healthy and honest communication, and full dependence on God.

Join the Satisfied Experience waitlist

The doors to The Satisfied Experience will re-open in September, 2024.  Join the waiting list below to get notified when enrollment begins!

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